Bed Bugs Facts & Myths
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Finally, we’ve managed to get all bed bugs facts and myths in one place. This guide will get even bigger over time and we will try to cover any information related to bed bugs that are either a fact or a myth?
General Facts & Myths About Bed Bugs
Bed Bug Myth #1 – Bed Bug Are Most Active at Night?
True. Bed bugs usually crawl out under your mattress and will attack you in your sleep when it’s dark. However, the nasty insects would feed during the day as well if they feel safe.
Bed Bug Myth #2 – Eggs and shed skins are a sign of bed bug infestation?
Mostly False. Bed bug’s eggs are distinctive but it’s still possible to not recognize them or mistake them with those of other insects. Skin sheds are easier to define but only if they are whole. The only true sign that there is a bed bug infestation is seeing living bed bugs.
Bed Bug Myth #3 – Bed bugs live in clothes?!
Very true. Bed bugs will get inside your clothes because this is the way they move long distances. It’s also the main reason for domestic infestations – people coming back from trips bring bed bugs at their home along with the luggage.
Bed Bug Myth #4 – The Bugs May Leave Dark Spots on Your Sheets?
True. Usually, these are faecal traces. Bed bugs may leave such marks anywhere in the room but especially on the sheets. After all, they feed quite often and multiply very fast.
Bed Bug Myth #5 – Bed Bugs Can Survive a Whole Year Without Food
False mostly. This is a very popular bed bug myth you’ll see anywhere on the web. The truth is, a bed bug is able to survive that long only if its adult and spends the whole 1 year at a temperature of 10 °C, which is kind of impossible. In a room with the most favourable temperature for the insects, bed bugs will survive for only 100 days without food.
Bed Bug Myth #6 – It’s a Good Idea to Throw a Mattress if it’s Infested?
False. Some would suggest getting rid of your mattress just because it cannot be treated with insecticides. That’s not true, you can use heat treatment to kill the bed bugs or you can follow these tips on how to treat bed bugs on mattress.
Bed Bug Myth #7 – Bed Bugs are Scared of Light!?
Not true. Bed bugs will come out and bite you even when the lights are turned on. The heat and carbon dioxide our bodies emit during sleep is very attractive to the insects, lightness will not scare them, especially if the bugs are hungry.
Bed Bug Myth #8 – Vacuuming and Decluttering Helps to Avoid Bed Bug Infestation
True. Mostly because bed bugs use the clutter as hiding spots, which makes the identification and extermination harder. If clutter is minimized, you will take precautions to exterminate them earlier or might even spot the bed bug before it reproduces.
Bed Bug Myth #9 – Bed Bugs Live Only in Big Cities.
Wrong. According to the “Bed Bugs in America” survey done by NPMA, the creatures were spotted in all 50 states of the country. In the UK, they are present everywhere but mostly in London.
Bed Bug Myth #10 – Bed Bugs Can Survive at -50°C.
Nope. At this temperature, the species dies pretty fast. According to Science News, this has been tried already. Scientists have already experimented on bed bugs and low temperatures. It was found that the lowest temperature was -25°C at which only an egg would survive but not an adult bug.
Bed Bug Myth #11 – Bed Bugs Have Wings and Fly.
Hilarious. This is not true at all. Still, there are many people who ask “Can bed bugs fly?”. Bed bugs are unable to fly, they can’t even jump (this is what ticks do). The only way for bed bugs to move is by crawling. They still have wings, also known as hemlytral pads but there are no hind wins.
Bed Bug Myth #12 – You Can Find Bed Bugs in Kitchen Appliances?!
True. As we’ve already mentioned, bed bugs are attracted by darkness and heat, an oven that’s been recently turned off is such a thing. Don’t be stressed if you spot a bed bug crawling out of a kitchen appliance, try to identify if it’s really a bed bug instead.
Bed Bug Myth #13 – Keeping The Suitcase Away Helps?
Very true. It’s even highly recommended when you spend a night at a hotel to keep your luggage away from the floor and the bed. Use a rack or the top of the wardrobe – these are harder for bed bugs to reach.
Fact #1 – Bed Bugs Can Live Anywhere In Your Home. Not Just in the Mattress.
There aren’t multiple opinions on this, so it’s more like a fact. Bed bugs may live in any place that is dark and provides a form of shelter. That would be inside cracks in the walls or furniture and in your luggage no matter if it’s packed or not.
Bed Bug Fact #2 – Adults may reach a size of over 7mm in length.
That would be kinda hard but it’s not impossible. Usually, an adult bed bug’s size is about 6mm but when fed up with blood it’s possible to grow even further. The usual maximum length though is about 5-6mm. Read more about how big are bed bugs to learn anything about the size of bed bugs (bed bug pictures included).
Bed Bug Fact #3 – The most favourable temperatures for bed bugs are 70-80F (21 – 26 °C).
Bed bugs will reproduce best at this temperature. It’s also important to know that a temperature of 56°C (132F) or more will kill a bed bug at any life stage. This is the exact temperature at which a room is heated during a bed bug heat treatment, which is one of the most effective ways of bed bugs extermination.
Bed Bug Fact #4 – Bed Bugs Are Predictable.
That’s true only when it comes to their feeding habits. A typical bed bug would prefer not to spend more than 10 minutes on its victim. Another typical feature is that this insect would live as near as possible to the victim. That’s why bed bugs usually live under the mattress – it’s simply very close to the sleeping person.
Bed Bug Fact #5 – An Adult Female Bed bug Lays About 200-500 Eggs.
A female bed bug is able to lay 1-5 eggs a day which is about 200-500 during its whole lifetime. Their lifespan is a very important factor that makes this possible. A single bug lives about 300 days at the most favourable conditions.
Bed Bug Fact #6 – They Can Travel Up to 30 Meters to Take a Bite.
Although bed bugs prefer to live nearby their victims, when this isn’t possible, the creatures show severe persistence and go the extra mile in seek of some fresh blood.
Bed Bug Fact #7 – They Go Through Metamorphosis
We’re have explained carefully all stages of the bed bugs in our post about the size of bed bugs. But yes, a bed bug would go through many stages, most of which require a blood meal to finish successfully.
Bed Bug Fact #8 – Males Have a Bigger Abdomen.
This is a working trick that may help you find out if a bed bug is male or female. Males have much more edgy abdomen.
Facts & Myths About Bed Bug Bites
Bed Bug Fact #9 – Bites From Bed Bugs Are Painless
This is a fact and most people won’t react at all from the bite. The reason for this is the bed bug’s saliva. It contains anaesthetic substances and increases the blood flow at the bitten place. Next time when you wake up bitten by bed bugs, don’t wonder why you haven’t wakened up.
Bed Bug Myth #14 – Bed Bug Bites Are not Dangerous
Generally, this is true. You don’t even need a treatment after being bitten but if the rash is too painful you can seek medical help. The only concerning thing about bed bug bites is developing an allergic reaction. If this happens, avoid scratching.
Bed Bug Myth #15 – Bed Bug Bites Are Hard to Distinguish.
Quite true. Mostly, bed bug bites are confused with a tick, fleas or mosquito bites. There’s no way to easily find out if it was a bed bug that bit you.
Bed Bug Facts & Myths About Treatments
Bed Bug Myth #15 – Bed Bugs Are Evolving a Resistancy?
Very true. According to a study by the Scientific Reports, pyrethroid is one of the organic compounds to which bed bugs are now more resistant. We suggest reading their whole extensive case study if you’re interested in learning more about the evolution of bed bugs.
Bed Bug Myth #16 – Bed Bugs Die at 50°C
Debatable. This is a very high temperature for the bed bug and it will certainly not feel comfortable at it. A long exposure will finish it but we heat premises up to 56°C to make sure the insect will be exterminated at any phase. This can be done safely by bed bugs control specialists.
Bed Bug Myth #17 – Repeated Bed Bug Treatments Are Often Required.
That’s true, unless you do a professional heat treatment from the start. If pesticides are used, one treatment might not be enough. Some people do the mistake to clean the surfaces that have just been treated with pesticides. A professional pest control company will inform you of the proper post-treatment instructions.
Bed Bug Myth #18 – Drying Agents Kill Bed Bugs
Yes, in most cases. Drying agents a.k.a. desiccants are usually an effective substance for bed bug treatments. Use desiccants that are labeled as pesticides, otherwise you are risking to get your time wasted.